
The Dragon 11/25/2017

Q: KoRn
Name-o-rama: (8) Korn, High Pockets, Woodchuck, Jackknife, Cesar, Yogi, Cutter, Happy Gilmore

8 gents to partake in the Halls of Pain. We warmed up then moseyed to The Dragon Hall where we did some merkins/lbc's starting with the first set of 15 then gradually went up by 5 until we got to 35 with moseying in between. We hit the wall for some people's chair, The Wave then some balls to the wall with flair. Partaked in some Dragon Crawls. Moseyed on over to the Cougar where we did some irkins, derkins and dips then jail broke to The end of the hall then back to where we finished it up with some round robin sets.

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