
The Dragon 2/3/2018

Planet of the Apes & Clover Recon

Q: Blacklung
Name-o-rama: (11) Cutter, Red Rider, High Pockets, Cesar, Chernobyl, Mounty, Rasta, Black Lung, Numbchuck, Realtree, Orvis

Our Saturday group was split up this morning as F3 York attempts to starfish into Clover. Leading the way at the Clover Recon were Numbchuck, Realtree and Orvis. The following is the backblast for the other 8 PAX at The Dragon: We began promptly at 7am, clear sky and 22F: Warmup: High Knees Butt Kicks Karaoke Walk Lunge Walk 21s - SSH Mozy to Rockpile: Partner pass, back to back Partner pass, curls Rock Curls Rock overhead press Rocktanamo Mozy to Guerrilla Hill (along Hwy-5): 21s - Moroccan Nightclub Routine: 5 Guerrilla Humpers Chimpanzee Walk (thanks Cutter!) down the hill Guerrilla crawl up the hill Repeat x 5! Mozy to Alley: Bear Crawl Inch Worm full length of the alley, touch the door! Mozey back to AO! After the workout, F3 York helped move Tender Hearts donations from the York location to Rock Hill, where an ROTC group will help sort. Bag your clothes donations, makes it a lot easier!

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