
The Dragon 2/17/2018

Red Rider 1 year Anniversary

Q: Red Rider
Name-o-rama: (10) Cutter, Cesar, Mounty, High Pockets, Boo Boo, Yogi, Black Lung, Malware, Copperhead, Red Rider

We started with a helpful disclaimer reminder from HP. The warm up was SSH, Merkins, Moroccan NC's holding for finger touches. Mosey to the Y for 100 Dips, 40 Irkins, 10 Durkins. Mosey to the dragons' home where we did a five minute partner relays. Down, back, and alternating with stationary partner doing Flutterkicks, Squats, ending with LBC's. Mosey to the Cougar for rince/repeat of the Y. Short mosey to flag for COT. Off to pick up trash. Three for Coffeeteria at HH

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