
The Dragon 8/11/2018

Cesar anniversary beat down

Q: Cesar
Name-o-rama: (5) Cesar, Yogi, KoRn, High Pockets, Filibuster

Started with some nice and easy low impact stretching... Then off to a little brick mosey. Ended up behind the school to beat down hall where we did sun gods and flappy birds with bricks. Then we did some superman sun gods and some brick merkins. I decided to give the bricks a break (for a min) so we could do a super duper long Chernobyl Shuffle which definitely had an enormous suck factor to it. Picked the bricks back up and we moseyed some more. Once we got to the back of the school we did a jail break with bricks which actually is harder than it sounds (at least that's what Yogi told me). We circled up in the grass and did some core work in round robin fashion. We dropped to bricks off at the truck and moseyed another lap where we alternated run and nur. Got back to the AO where I thanked my fellow brothers and spoke about faith and what it means to me. Just want to thank all of you for the push this year!! Cesar✌

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