
The Dragon 1/12/2019

IceBreaker 2019

Q: Bounty
Name-o-rama: (28) Bounty, Cutter, Cesar, Ketchup, Relish, Blacklung, RedRider, Burr, Woodchuck, Korn, Scrum, JackKnife, Jellystone, Straight-Up, PCH, Ripstick, SlowPitch, PacMan, Bill Nye, Bear Grylls, Roots, Lonestar, Java, Salt, BeeHive, Juice, Chernobyl,

2019 Icebreaker...this year we attempted to do a terrain race/ obstacle course race inspired event. Hard to do when you cant assemble permanent structures. With that in mind we had to try and come up with some events to help "slow" down the runners. This type of event was selected so that pax could get a taste of OCRs without paying the high entry fee. Pax had two choices before beginning the event: run a solo lap (3.25 miles) or run as a team (13.5miles). If running as a team, the first teammate would run the lap solo, tag their mate, and rest until the mate came back, thus tagging them back in. Prior to starting, participants were explained the route, obstacles, and rules. Prayer and disclaimer were given with an emphasis on safety. The first runners were then given the countdown before they started. The flow: 10 burpees, 10 bigboys, 10 squats before taking off. Jump the rock (this was obviously harder than I thought it would be). Run a bit, low crawl a bit, run a bit more. Then bucket carry, run, hill climb, run. For the next obstacle the pax were supposed to cross the creek twice (most missed this turn from the main trail). Run, event's best obstacles (yoke carry), run, over/under, low crawl, log jump. From there the pax ran, lunged walked, tossed cornhole for burpees, then bearcrawled around the big "Y" in front of the school. RedRider and Chernobyl had water, coffee, and hot chili waiting for participants not to mention large patio heaters to help pax stay warm...a bit hit...great job! Takeaways: -great turnout from FIA! 6 I believe -participation from other regions (York, RH, Ft. Mill) -2.0s at least 4 with 1 being an FNG...welcome 9volt! -couple of hundred pounds of donated can goods for the community -couple hundred buck raised to donate as well Im sure I missed some pax's names that participated and helped, and for that I'm sorry...just cant remember everyone off the top of my head. Thanks everyone for helping this event to be as successful as it was. Next year not sure what format we will use...its up to yall to choose.

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