
The Dragon 2/9/2019


Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (7) Malware, Thumb Drive, Yogi, Cutter, Woodchuck, Rasta,

We had a great, cool, wind blown gloom to push each other through our baggage carry. With a lot of mumble chatter to go with it. Started with a quick warm up then on to the hill to pick our baggage up. Down the hill for 1 rock to bearcrawl up the hill with and then back down the hill for another rock to bearcrawl up the hill with. Then a few exercises with our (baggage). Then a mosey to the front of the school where we found our brother Jack Web and man he sure put a hurtin on our shoulders. Then a mosey to Dragon alley where we took a seat on the wall for various exercises. But the main one was a rock hand off to show each other that we are supposed to help bear the burden of each others baggage. Then after a trip down Dragon alley we pick out the rocks we wanted to carry back. We stopped for a good length of LT Dan's then on around the cross country track where we just had to stop for the High Pockets special to the passerbyers. Lol Back to the Flag after shedding our baggage for the pledge to our great nation. Throughout the work out I added the 3rd F in about our testimony and how God has given this to us to help others. Also what could be done to help those around us that dont even know they need help. The only way to do this is live for God all the time so people see Him in us. Read your bible and praise Him every day for what he has done for us. Prayers , praises Namethang Numberthang As always I am honored to lead such great HIMs through the gloom and thanks for the push. Horton out!

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