
The Dragon 3/2/2019

The Hen

Q: Yogi, Cutter
Name-o-rama: (6) HIGH Pockects, Yogi,Jackknife, Piston, Nunchuck, Cutter

We began with a warm-up led by Yogi. After the warm-up Cutter took over. We moseyed over to the rock pile to choose wisely. We carried our coupons up to the parking lot to get to work. 4 corners around the parking lot. 25 curls, 25 mercians, 25 squats , 25 Big boys Rise and repeat 4 corners around the parking lot. 25 overhead presses, 25 Dry Docks, 50calf raises , 25 4 count flutter kicks. Rinse and repeat. Mosey to the back side of the school to Dragon alley alternates from bear crawls to crab walks the entire lengthy down. It. Danes back out. Moseyed back to the front and got in a little bear crawl and crawl bear to finish out the workout. 3rd F shared: Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; James 1:19 ESV

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