
The Dragon 5/4/2019

May the 4th be with you

Name-o-rama: (4) Woodchuck, Filabuster, Rasta, YHC

It's May the 4th and I know we got some nerds among us so I decided to do a star wars themed workout. Disclaimer disclaimed and we were off to the warmup 15 SSH IC 15 MKC IC 15 SSH IC 15 Merkins IC 15 SSH IC 15 Hillbillies IC 15 Burpees (pshhh yea attention 15 SSH IC) 15 Imperial Walkers IC Off to the Thang Skywalker LT Dans to end of parking lot "Death"Star fish A corner 30 Jedi merkins B corner 30 Chewbacca lbc C corner 30 Starfighter squats D corner 30 lightsaber shoulder taps Round 2 the same except split count in half. Mosey to the wall for some Sky Walker Balls to the Wall and rotation bear craw. Mosey to coupon market are grab a light saber 11's Han Solo big boys at bottom Yoda Flying squirrel at top 3rd F In Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader challenged Luke Skywalker to “fulfill your destiny.” While Vader had sinister plans in mind, the reference to destiny strikes deep at the heart of the Christian message. Jesus came with a clear destiny of His own: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). He also came to give a “spiritual destiny” to those who believe in Him, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). We lifted Cesar, Nunchuck, and Filibuster family up in prayer. COT HP Out ya'll have a good 1 the force was strong in this one.

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