
The Dragon 8/10/2019

Snadbags and bus rides

Q: Yogi
Name-o-rama: (2) Yogi, cutter

Since we were a small group we grabbed 2 of cutters and bags, he a 80 and me the 60. We moved to the front of the school and did inch worm merkins across the flag grass. Then moved to the big Y and threw the sand bags around the outside. Next moved to the front of the ATC building for 200 bend over rows, that quickly was modified to 100. While there a bus pulled up to us and the driver ask us if we were getting picked up. We of course said yes and she took us to Chester for a wrestling tournament when we finish dead last...wait we didn't get on. We sent her to the front where many cars were. We moved to the small Y and did a starfish with sandbags. 5 burpees in the middle and 10 each each of merkins, big boys, diamond merkins, and American hammers. Did 2 rounds. Moved to COT. Missed all you all!

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