
The Dragon 9/21/2019

Ball Bearings

Q: Blacklung
Name-o-rama: (7) Happy Trees, Cutter, Yogi, High Pockets, Love Bite, Burr, Black Lung

The word of the month is "bearing" so we incorporated our 15 pound slam ball as a "bearing". We were happy to welcome Love Bite, at Burr's invitation. Love Bite is new to town, but not new to F3. Welcome! Warmup consisted of SSH, merkins, squats and mountain climbers. The we repeated the routine while passing and rolling the "bearing". We Moroccan-Mozied (thanks BoRound!) to the rock pit and did rock curls, presses, drops, kettle bell swings, and lunges. We continued mozying around the school, adding excercises along the way, including karaoke, sitdown squats, nur, side-steps, etc. We passed the bearing around the whole time. We discussed that typical ball bearings on a shaft distribute the load evenly over time, much like the members of a team work together to accomplish a task that's bigger than the individual. Finished with the pledge led by Love Bite, followed by COT.

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