
The Dragon 2/1/2020

Late or did I just want to be corrected?

Q: High Pockets
Name-o-rama: (6) Woodchuck, Cutter, Steam engine, Yogi, Axle, YHC

YHC arrived around 10 minutes late. With noone in sight I moseyed to the baseball fields (while apparently everyone moseyed to the coupon market) As I moseyed to what I thought was our PAX. A group of teenagers assembling for a school function looked at me very concerned. Yep that's not them... So I moseyed to the statue (making another group of teenagers uncomfortable) then eventually to dragon alley on the other side of the school where I found the PAX. Warmup Well since I was late this was already done when YHC arrived. The Thang: It's superbowl weekend, so to the parking lot field we go. each 5 yard line progress rep by 1 1st round start with merkin, then lbc, then squat, 5 yard line 1 merkin, 10 yard line 2 lbc, 15 yard line 3 squats and so on 10 burpees for end zone 2nd round calf raises, american hammer, dry dock Dying cock roaches ic for the endzone 3rd F January word Discipline Proverbs 12:1 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid Do you love to be taught? Do you love to be corrected? Do you love to be told you are wrong? Do you appreciate those who tell you how it ought to be done? Are you thankful for reminders to change? Wise and noble men and women will strongly answer, “Yes!” To grow in knowledge, someone must teach you. You must submit your mind and will to them. You admit their superiority in knowledge. You admit your inferiority. This requires humility, which most do not have. Only noble souls can willingly submit and be taught by another person. In order to love knowledge, you must love to be taught by others. To grow in knowledge, you must admit ignorance or error. For either you did not know the truth about a subject, or you held a false position on that topic. You may even have taught others wrongly, and you will have to admit you taught them an error. Only noble souls can admit ignorance or error, for most men will protect their reputation at any cost. To grow in knowledge, you must change. Progress requires change, but change is humbling and difficult. Change means letting others see you were wrong; change means altering long-established habits; change means explaining your new actions to others. Only noble souls can change, for the cost of changing is too great for most men. Lt Dan's then Lt dangers Then back to COT Prayer concerns were lifted up and we headed out for donuts HP out.

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