
The Dragon 5/1/2021

Dragon Ball

Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (19) Big Mac, 1/4 Pounder, High Pockets, Wood Chuck, Yogi, BooBoo, Rasta, Hands, Filibuster, Goalielocks, JG Wentworth, Black Lung, Bio Hazard, Scetcher, Waluigi, Hogwarts, FNG Uga, FNG Opie,

Biggest deficit ever of any game ever played on Filibuster feild. But hey in York we are winners. Trophies 🏆🏆🏆 for all. Thank for the opportunity to lead you great HIMs. Horton out!

Requests: 1

Horton on 4/28/2021 at 5:00 PM
Note: Only a little bit if that's OK. I'm kinda tired boss

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