Hibbett Sports Parking Lot [map]
Thursday 5:15am - 6:00am
Site Q:



By Yogi on 9/19/2024
Count: 2:

By Yogi on 9/5/2024
Count: 4:

Just you and I

By Yogi on 6/13/2024
Count: 2:

Column work

HP 75 Hard over!

By High Pockets on 5/30/2024
Count: 0:

Leg and core

By Yogi on 2/8/2024
Count: 4:


By Yogi on 12/21/2023
Count: 5:


By High Pockets on 12/14/2023
Count: 3:

We worked out... didn't make out.. cause 66% of us are congested/sick.

4 horsemen

By Yogi on 10/26/2023
Count: 4:

4 people 3 teams?

By Yogi on 8/31/2023
Count: 4:

Yall can't go there

By High pockets on 8/24/2023
Count: 5:

Disclaimer disclaimed Warmup Ssh, imperial walkers, cherry pickers, hillbilly 15 all ic Mosey to hill for Jacob's ladder. Merkins and big boys. Then some Yogi coat hangers, and inclined merkins. Lt dan to ab lab then onto walmart wall for wall sits. We got ran off, so we found another wall. Back to AO for cop then cot Cesar lifted up ketchup. Welcome FNG ET1

Highpockets finally out of gas?

By Highpockets on 8/17/2023
Count: 3:

Everyone got a good walk in this gloom and my brothers came to the rescue. Thank you


By Yogi on 7/6/2023
Count: 3:

Guess you had to be there?

By Yogi on 4/27/2023
Count: 3:

Lots of burpees. Blacklung showed us so so many back exercises.

Coat hangers?

By Yogi on 4/20/2023
Count: 4:

Got to use the newly named exercise, the plastic coat hangers and the metal coat hangers.

Run, find rasta, and jump

By Yogi on 1/26/2023
Count: 4:

Finding signs

By Yogi on 1/5/2023
Count: 4:

Mosy, exercise, COT.

Ruck it!

By All rested up woodchuck on 4/21/2022
Count: 4:

Ruck work out.. started with some SSH to get the body warmed up, then a ruck run around the building, lunges, to the end of the walkway, ruck run around the building, Lt. Dan's to the end of the building. Switched rucks and around the building again. Lesson learned: the weight you carry is 'comfortable' to you because you are used to it; carrying someone else's weight doesn't feel right.. so don't! Walk alongside them, brace them, share a yoke with them... but don't try to take their weight on yourself. Announcements: Beer Ruck in Rock Hill 4/22, Family Ruck in York on 4/29, Stringbean 5K in York on 4/30.

Chicken Little

By Cesar on 4/14/2022
Count: 6:

We did a memorial workout for chicken little who was an F3 brother who took his own life. As brothers we must remember to check on the people around us. The workout is very simple and brutal. Grab a ruck Set timer for 24 minutes 24 Merkins 24 sit ups 24 burpees 200 meter ruck run As many times as possible in 24 minutes I love all of you guys and consider yall as my brother's. If you ever need anyone to talk to please reach out to me or anyone else you feel comfortable talking to. I could never imagine ever having to getting phone call about any one of you. CESAR ✌🏼

By Woodchuck on 3/17/2022
Count: 5:

Chuck that wood! 5 HIMs met in the gloom for a themed beatdown; a piece of red oak was provided, approximately 30 pounds, with no round edges. Starting at one end of the parking lot, the wood was chucked, lunge walk to the wood, next in line continues. The wood broke in two, then later into multiple pieces, all of which were chucked. This continued until it was time to leave. Announcement: brew ruck on 3/18/22 @ 7:00 PM starting at Trinity; even if you don't partake of brew, or ruck, come out for 2nd F. Prayers for family members and life in general.

Ruck it!

By Woodchuck on 12/9/2021
Count: 4:

Just a simple gloom ruck for just over 2 miles; great fellowship time. Prayers for Jessie (Blacklungs GF) dad's continued recovery, family that lost a home in a fire, and relationships in this Season.


By High Pockets on 9/30/2021
Count: 4:

Started off with a warmup 10 SSH IC 10 Big arm circles to front IC 10 SSH IC 10 Big arm circles to back IC 10 SSH IC 10 MKC IC 20 Merkins OYO 20 LSS OYO 20 BigBoys OYO The thing: Mosey to the hill Jacobs ladder. 10X calf raises up top 1X shoulder tap continue until inverted Mosey around parking lot rinse and repeat with BigBoys and LSS 3rd F Matthew 10:38-39 And anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Jesus wants us to seriously look into our hearts and surrender those things that hold us back from fully following and serving him. We know what they are. He comes to us with his now nail-scarred hands and reminds us that he gave up everything to redeem us. He now wants us to surrender to the Cross the things that hold us back. Closed in COT lifting up missing PAX and Korn new born baby HP out

Card Counters

By Black Lung on 9/23/2021
Count: 3:

After a brief warmup and a lap around the building, we completed the workout cards from the F3 deck that had been placed pre-workout on every third column of the walkway, using variations of lunge walks to reach the next column/card. Took another lap at the midway point. Finished with a discussion about perseverance and bravery.

2 step

By Yogi on 9/2/2021
Count: 7:

Used the newly coated walmart lot. Did exercises to the chorus and held or ran when the rest of the song played. We did some 2 exercise sets. Hands of time and ab lab finished us.

Black Lung: Take 3

By Black Lung on 8/19/2021
Count: 3:

Black Lung: Take 2

By Black Lung on 8/12/2021
Count: 4:

Black Lung: Take 1

By Black Lung on 8/5/2021
Count: 4:

By High Pockets on 7/29/2021
Count: 0:

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future knowing that it is not a promise to immediately rescue us from hardship or suffering, but rather a promise that God has a plan for our lives and regardless of our current situation, He can work through it to prosper us and give us a hope

Dumbbell relay

By Black Lung on 6/17/2021
Count: 5:

Prayed for Cutter's M's surgery today, and for Woodchuck's wife's recovery. Run 60 yards with two 35lb dumbbells while the rest of the PAX do reps of merkins, squats, SSH, etc. After all 5 PAX complete the dumbbell run, then indian run around the strip mall with medicine ball.

Cards and Toy Soldiers

By Black Lung on 5/20/2021
Count: 4:

Horton Run???

By Horton on 5/13/2021
Count: 4:

Always great to lead! And can you believe I ran that far?

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa poker face

By Black Lung on 4/8/2021
Count: 4:

As a former manager liked to say: Do what I want you to do, not what I tell you to do. Warmup: call a fake exercise name and the Pax have to figure it out by watching you. For example: 10 butterflies in a jar (we actually did merkins) or 1 million mud stompers (we actually did 10 squat jumps) and so on. Helps teach us to just go with the flow. Next we played poker. 5-Card draw, dealer calls the excercise (merkins, squats, burpees) and it's 10 reps per card you draw. Ante is 10 reps, and betting is in increments of 10. We had to set a max pot of 100 reps because Yogi and Cesar ran up BURPEES to 100.... and Yogi was bluffing... Third F - you can try to stack the deck or control everything and everyone around you - but often it's better to keep a loose grip and go with the flow.

Bonnie Burpees

By Toot Toot on 3/18/2021
Count: 5:

Toot Toot came from Rock Hill and taught us a new burpie.. its called the Bonnie Burpee it is a bonnie Blair followed by a burpee. Awesome beat down on a rainy day. In the words of Korn... Slay the day brothers.. Cesar✌

Light helping of run

By Cesar on 3/11/2021
Count: 4:

Since we all had running or rucking events coming up i figured we'd keep it easy on the legs. We did lots of arm stuff and round robins were we worked specific body parts. Every gloom with youbgents is a privilege. Cesar ✌🐶

Balls of Fun!

By Black Lung on 3/4/2021
Count: 7:

After a brief warmup of SSH, Merkins, and P-Star Burpees (a "backwards" burpee, thanks Cesar) we indian-ran behind Wal-Mart and back with the 15lb medicine ball. Followed that with some catch with a football, and then Taps with the volleyball.

Slow and focused

By Yogi on 2/25/2021
Count: 5:

Are they listening?

By HighPockets on 2/18/2021
Count: 4:

Has it happened to you? You are thinking about a purchase, then all of a sudden you get google, facebook and other platform suggestions on the very item you were thinking about purchasing. BlackLung has once again proven why he's hands down the right person for COMS. He's developed a program that does the same for York F3. I was thinking about requesting Q, then a couple days later I'm told I'm on Q! We started out under the awning stretch. Warmup 25 SSH OYO stretches The thing At each Pillar increase exercise rep by 1, up to 10, Lt Dan to get to next post Merkins Big Boys Squats 3rd F Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. —Galatians 6:9 We talked about how this verse piggy back off the word Larry Brid shared at his VQ last Saturday. Corona truck drove by so we knocked out our 20 Dying cockroaches. Then we did suicides to each Pillar to finish out the workout. Announcements: Trash pickup will be delayed due to weather Nameorama The wind seemed to pickup as we did the nameorama. That or it was a normal day in yogi's life with his clothing fanning behind him. COT Lifted up Cesar and family Lifted up WoodChuck family dealing with cancer


By Yogi on 2/4/2021
Count: 4:

Who's got better workout Equipment Lowes or Walmart?

By High Pockets on 1/28/2021
Count: 3:

Disclaimer disclaimed Budweiser truck came by as I was putting my gloves on...wasn't even time to start, but we knocked out our burpees. Warmup- Few warmups stretches Ssh 15 ic Imperial walkers 15 ic Ssh 15 ic Hillbillies 15 ic Ssh 14 ic Mosey to the other end of Walmart over head presses, curls and low slow squats w/ mulch bag. LT dan for some 2nd F Mosey to Lowes over head presses, curls and low slow squats w/ landscaping timber, bricks and flat blocks. We then moseyed to the back of the Walmart to give them another shot. This is when a Walmart worker yelled at us and said "Ya'll can't have those pallets" Cesar informed him we were just using them to workout with. To which we got an even dirty'r look. We probably would have been better off telling him we were stealing them. Mosey back to Walmart wall for some wall sit's, then mosey back to AO 3rd F Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Some kinds of earthly delight can feed our hearts for a short time, but when difficulties come, our hearts will wither in the drought. Delighting in the LORD and in his will for us, however, provides us with ongoing and ever-fresh joy. Out of this lifestyle comes both short-term and long-term benefits and a resiliency that withstands life's worst droughts. Corona truck came by so we knocked out our Dyeing cockroaches. We lifted up Alice and any upspoken prayer request in COT. Ohh and Lowes won, by a landslide. HP out

Wear your cornhole'n shoes

By Black Lung on 1/21/2021
Count: 4:

We invented clever ways to combine cornhole with: BB Situps, squats and drydocks.

Don't drop the ball

By Yogi on 1/14/2021
Count: 5:

The 700 Club

By Catfish on 12/31/2020
Count: 8:

In typical fashion, the rain held off for this wonderful morning in the York region and it was a glorious start to the last day of the year! 7 PAX joined #YHC for a short COP to warm up and then we took a mosey around the parking lot, stopping 10 times to get 10 reps each of 7 exercises, thus becoming members of "The 700 club". The Thang: 10 sets of 10 reps each of the following 7 Exercises: - Hand Release Merkins - Low Slow Squats - Carolina Dry Docks, IC - Dips - Moroccan Night Clubs, IC - Big Boy Sit Ups - Flutter Kicks, IC Besides Caeser showing up late and YHC missing the PAX correctly guessing the show that inspired the winkie the morning went off without a hitch as work was done and fellowship enjoyed! And lemme tell ya - if you need music for your Q this is your AO because WalMart has ya covered! As always, it was an honor to Q! #SYITG, 'Fish

Peace be unto you

By Woodchuck on 12/24/2020
Count: 5:

On a balmy Christmas Eve morn, 5 HIMs met for a brief workout. The obligatory SSH in cadence was the morning, followed by 'The Grand Olde Duke Of York' - AKA 11's on the hill. At the bottom, merkins were executed while flourish and at the top, toy soldiers, in honor of the Duke. At each HIM completely their 11's, they proceeded to the middle of the hill where they assumed a plank position and waiting for the rest of the HIMs to join them. Circle of trust - prayers that all would know the peace that Christ brings and then breakfast. From our house to yours, may this be a year of growth for you and yours. Your brother, Woodchuck

Poker Run

By Woodchuck on 12/10/2020
Count: 4:

Four HIM's basked in the early morning glow at HIMShip. After a warm up of cherry pickers and sun gods, interrupted by the burpee truck, they ambled over to the overhang where poker started. Rules are simple: dealer chooses the exercise, ante is 5 reps, 5 cards dealt, one draw if wanted - 5 reps per card drawn, bets are increments of 5 reps. If a player folds or loses, they do the reps they bet. The winner only has to do the ante and cards drawn reps. The deal rotates clockwise. After each round, all but the next dealer run to the end of the overhang and back. The play was fast and furious, the biggest bet was 50 flutter kicks per leg; 2 HIMs paid that price. A 3rd F message was inserted about showing ALL people dignity, a lesson we can all apply. Prayer requests for aging bodies, headaches, missing HIMs and continued perseverance. If you missed us, we missed you, too - come back to the gloom.

Just 2 of us so we laid lowe.

By High Pockets on 11/19/2020
Count: 2:

It was a 30 degree gloom that started out with Blacklung and YHC doing some blue Angel maneuvers in the parking lot. Disclaimer was disclaimed Warmup SSH, left over right right over left leg stretches Mosey to Lowes alternate Merkins, lbc and squats between parking lot lines Lt Dan between spaces. Mosey back to AO where the corona truck caught us as we were closing out. 3rd F Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. ROMANS 10:17 (NIV Paul was showing that a refusal to believe what God says amounts to disobedience. That, according to Scripture, is the root problem when people hear the gospel and do not accept it. Those who disbelieve do so because, on some level, they do not want to believe. We closed everything out with a line of trust. HP out

5-Card Draw

By Black Lung on 11/12/2020
Count: 4:

On a drizzly morning, and after a short warmup, we stole a cardboard box from the liquor store and played poker: -5 Card Draw -Ante is 5 reps -Each card drawn is 5 reps -Betting is in increments of 5 reps -Each hand rotates between squats, merkins and LBCs -While the next dealer shuffles and deals, the rest run to end of covered walkway and back This worked well, I'll definitely be trying it again.

Hills of funz

By Yogi on 11/5/2020
Count: 4:

Doing it backwards

By Yogi on 10/22/2020
Count: 4:

With Highpockets driving from the opposite side I did the Qing backwards. Started with the 3rd F message first and ended with the warmup.

Jacob's Ladder

By Woodchuck on 10/8/2020
Count: 4:

Four HIMs met for a cool morning, low impact workout. After a brief warmup of 20 Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence, and 20 low-slow-squats in cadence, we meandered over to the covered walk way at Papa John's. Starting with the first column, we did 1 Merkin and 1 squat; Lt. Dan's to the second column, 2 Merkins and 2 squats... to the end. Since we ran out of time, we completed somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 columns, increasing the number of Merkin's and squats for each column. So... for the mathletes, that is (25 x 26) / 2 Merkins and squats along the columns. The 3rd F moment was about Elijah and the widow; God will always provide what we need, not necessarily what we want. Prayers for all concerned

Dippin Dots

By Blacklung on 10/1/2020
Count: 4:

Used the cart racks for dips, pullups, urkins and cycled those with laps around the parking lot. Ended with a short ab-lab, CoT and prayer. High Pockets and Black Lung tried to shop at Walmart, but they weren't old enough.

Sally coming

By on 9/17/2020
Count: 4:

Hurricane Sally is currently hitting the gulf coast. We will get rain from it today and tomorrow in the Carolinas. What better to name our workout after... SALLY WARMUP 25 ssh ic 25 hillbilly ic 25 ssh ic 25 mkc ic 25 ssh ic Mosey around the store strip and to the thang The thang Sally up/down merkins 25 big boys ic Sally up/down low slow squat 25 lbc ic Sally up/down 6 inches Paid our respects to the bud light and Corona truck. A giant cockroach paid his respects to us as we did dieing cockroaches. 3rd F Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." —Genesis 9:16 Closed in socially distance cot Lifting up Woodchuck prayer concern and Korn's dad. Hp out

Highs and Lows

By Woodchuck on 9/10/2020
Count: 4:

Four high impact men met in the drizzling rain for a low impact workout. We started with Moroccan night clubs in cadence, followed by a stretch to the right and then to the left. The PAX were directed to amble to the cart return stations in any form they chose where we proceeded to do 20 erkins, 20 dips, and 20 pull ups; amble to the next cart return and repeat. We continued until we ran out of time. There was a great deal of mumble chatter and fellowship. A 3rd F moment with given with the word of the month: salvation. Besides our eternal salvation, which is found through faith in Jesus, Woodchuck said F3 was his personal workout motivation salvation - it encouraged him to get active, to be a part of something and to grow his circle of trust. The circle of trust ended with prayer requests for friends and family, for the nation, for healing and compassion. Woodchuck

By Undertaker on 9/3/2020
Count: 12:

Slow Mosey

By Woodchuck on 8/20/2020
Count: 2:

Two for a cool morning, slow mosey. We went down to the Waffle House, back up 5 to the lights and around. Good conversation and time spent reflecting on how to make the world a better place.

Catch 22

By Yogi on 8/13/2020
Count: 5:

Brick house

By Cesar on 7/23/2020
Count: 3:

All PAX picked up a pair of clay bricks and kept them for the entire workout. Warm up was Moroccan Nightclub, then, each PAX took a turn calling an exercise and rep count; the bricks were held at all times. Mercins, Superman, Banana, LBC, Big Boys, Hillbilly Walker, Sun Gods, Toy Soldiers, Flappy Bird, Overhead Press... Bud Light and Corona trucks... Prayed for the nation, recovery from illness, and strength to perservere.

Fast and slow

By Yogi on 7/16/2020
Count: 5:

Bud Light, Corona... We all got carded

By Woodchuck on 7/2/2020
Count: 4:

We started with some stretches to get ready.. and Bud Light came along - burpees for one and all. Suddenly, a deck of cards appeared.... Each PAX took a turn drawing a card: clubs and spades were exercises on the ground, diamonds and hearts were upright, Joker was the PAX choice; the value of the card was the number of reps. Two to five were rounded up to five, six to ten were face value, face cards were fifteen and aces were twenty. Korn started us off with six rounds of 10 LBC's. When Cesar got a Joker it was a mosey around the stores, almost got beheaded by a truck with an open gate behind Papa John's - Cesar just kept running right under it. For the 3rd F, we talked about independence. Make sure you are independent of the world's care, and do not allow yourself to become dependent on your country. The only One you should be dependent on in Christ, if whom true freedom is found. Prayers for High Pockets, Ashley's (Cesar M) aunt, safety this weekend and that people would take stock of what is truly needed.


By Black Lung on 5/28/2020
Count: 4:

Quote of the gloom: "The medicine ball will be too easy..."

Say thunderstruck Sally

By High Pockets on 5/14/2020
Count: 3:

Warm-up 15 SSH IC 15 Imperal walkers IC 15 SSH IC 15 MKC IC 15 SSH IC 15 Hillbillies IC 15 SSH IC 15 Cherry pickers IC The thing Thunderstruck - Every "Thunderstruck" is a flying Squirrel Bring Sally up - Every "Sally" leg throws up, flutter kicks during song Say - shoulder tap for every "Say" Hill work, jacobs latter 5 merkins bottom of hill 1 big boy at top until inverted 1-5. Corona truck came by so 15 dying cockroaches Budlight trucck so 5 burpees. 3rd F 1 John 3:17, NLT: "If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion--how can God's love be in that person?" I talked to the brother on how this verse impacted me during the current pandemic. Nice 2nd F during the work! Hp out

Random Relay Ruckus

By Qbert on 2/20/2020
Count: 6:

I did actually find the AO on my first time there. Driving through there gave me flashbacks of the first mastodon. York mumblechatter is definitely why I keep coming back. There's this guy Yogi that I hear is paying for everyone's breakfast soon! Anyways, started with a few quick sprints and a 10 minute warmup including imperial walker, CDD, merkins, Freddie Mercury, LBCs, windmill and burpees. The relay made sense in my head and actually worked in reality too. Set up weights spread out across the parking lot in a straight line (one less than the number of PAX) and give everyone an assigned spot and exercise. Then one pax starts lunge walking to the next in line and takes over the exercise, essentially passing the baton of lunge walking. The person at the end of the line runs back to the beginning. We had two dumbbells for curls, a Cindy for overhead press, a larger dumbbell for triceps, and a slamball for squats. We rotated everyone through twice. Then we relayed one more time with everyone doing regular squats while the "baton" was bear crawls to the next person. Jack webbs (ratio of 1 Merkin to 4 overhead claps all the way up to 10 merkins) we sped through this one so the reward was 5 burpees Long mosey around the entire parking lot Ab lab for the last few minutes CoT My church is having a BBQ benefit to support my family's adoption process. This humbling experience has put me dependent on so many people and God to provide what we need for this expensive process. It's exhausting to continually come up with new ideas, hand painting 700 ornaments, making wedding gifts, 600 baked goods, 300 bbq plates and calling 20 different businesses for the materials and food needed for that, everything has been from other people. People that forever will be a part of my family's story and the story of our new child whenever that may be. Woodchuck has 2 weeks of lots of travel coming up soon for work and family. Be safe!! Continue to keep the other PAX in mind and accountable. Be better husbands and fathers and don't let F3 get in the way of your duties but don't get cabin fever either and let the Jester win over your heart and mind.

By Cesar on 2/13/2020
Count: 5:


By Yogi on 2/6/2020
Count: 4:

5 burpees, 5 squats, 5 hand release merkins at 5 polls, 4 times. Matthew 11:28

The arm burn

By Chernobyl on 1/23/2020
Count: 8:

The arms at the post

Humpty Dumpty

By Black Lung on 1/16/2020
Count: 9:

Good numbers today at the HIMSHIP! The Q's back has been acting up, so we did a "Humpty Dumpty" workout without any running and all back-friendly excercises such as drydocks, bear crawls, squats, lunges, etc.

Load of crocks

By Yogi on 1/9/2020
Count: 6:

Popeye's Chicken

By Cesar on 1/2/2020
Count: 4:

In case anybody has been under a rock for the past couple weeks... York South Carolina has a Popeye's Chicken. This morning we decided to see what all the fuss was about.... We started off with a mosey stopping along the way for some of our favorite exercises. Upon arrival we decided to take a recovery lap around the building... Followed by a few more exercises. All in all a good workout will you even got a chance to rename one of bounties favorite exercises... so without further Ado I present to you the Virgin Merkin. And just what is it??.. You have to come post and see. Cesar ✌


By Yogi on 12/26/2019
Count: 2:

Name workout after poorly typed groupme post. Rucked and ran, then ate post workout.

Triangle work

By High Pockets on 12/12/2019
Count: 3:

It was a 29 degree gloom. All 3 brothers present were dressed accordingly. Blacklung and I with long clothing, Woodchuck with short sleeves and shorts Warmup all IC in a triangle 15 MKC 15 SSH 15 hill billy walkers 15 SSH 15 cherry pickers 15 SSH Then we grabbed our can goods and moseyed to the can box. In the parking lot 1 merkin for each line followed by 2 lbc. Increasing by 1 at each line. Then same thing but low slow squat and calf raises. Dropped off our cans, then some lt Dan's to other end of parking lot. Mosey back towards AO, stop For 15 SSH at each light post. Mosey to tobacco Rd for some wall sits and head, shoulder, knees and toes. Mosey to AO for some triangle ab lab. Announcements York F3 party monday COT Nunchucks family, Father passed away last night Black lungs step mom Undertaker Woodchuck prayer concern Hp out

Blacklung fill in

By Yogi on 12/5/2019
Count: 8:

Me and you

By Yogi on 10/31/2019
Count: 2:

Rasta and his excort

By Yogi on 10/24/2019
Count: 5:

140 shared

By Yogi on 9/19/2019
Count: 7:

110 "Floors"

By Black Lung on 9/12/2019
Count: 6:

Cutter visited us on his way to work, just before we started at 5:15. Today we remembered the first responders of 9/11 with a variation of a traditional 9/11 workout: climb 110 flights of stairs. Since we don't have stairs at HIMSHIP, we used the columns in front of Hibbet to represent a flight. We did 10 rounds of 11 columns, using ladders of alternating squats, Big Boys, various merkins, SSH, frog hops with burpees. We had to throw in a couple Lunge rounds and simple mozies to finish on time. Great to see Slag, and he said Chernobyl is working a bunch at the moment and for the next few weeks. We also were thankful for the thousands of other people around NYC on 9/11 that did their job above and beyond the norm, including Woodchuck's wife as a nurse. Finished on time with a COT.

You CAN run

By High Pockets on 8/29/2019
Count: 6:

Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off to the warm-up 15 SSH IC 15 MKC IC 15 SSH IC 15 Imperal walkers IC 15 SSH 15 count stretch each leg Thrunderstruck, dying coach roach until you hear the word thunder, for each "thunder" = 1 big boy Sally up, merkin position. Do as the song tells you. The Thang Load up with cans and mosey to tractor supply to fill up the box. For every can we bring and can't fit in the box is 5 merkins . You must carry atleast 4 cans. If you drop a can it's 5 burpees for everyone. We filled the box and even packed ontop of it. With none left over we did 5 merkins for every item ontop of the box. 3rd F Why me Heb5:8 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered Sometimes the struggles we face have a bigger plan. God wants us to be able to witness to someone and you will be able to share your experiences. We had a group discussion on this on what this means to each 1 of us. I talked about my youngest 3rd birthday coming up next weekend and how we lost his twin. That was a tough time, although maybe God will let me lead someone to christ through this hardship...? Mosey back to the AO. At every crossroad 10 low squats. Ended in a COT lifting up Lift up Geppeto father, Orvis father, Nunchuck father Traveling mercies for those headed out over the long weekend. Thanks for the great push today guys. HP out

Slam Ball

By Black Lung on 8/22/2019
Count: 9:

We start with an "explosive" warmup of low rep, high intensity merkins with flair, squat jumps, high knees, reverse high knees, ministry of funny walks (forward and backward). The 2nd period (hockey games have 3 periods, although that's completely unrelated) consisted of a ladder routine using the pillars in front of the Hibbet strip mall: alternating 1 merkin, then 2 big boys, 3 merkins, 4 big boys, etc... to 10. Then again with urkins and squats. We caught our breath with a message about perspective. From our perspective, our problems are big. But if we zoom out, we see how many people are in the world and that our problems are actually minute. To help visualize, if each of the 7 Billion people on Earth were 1 inch long, we would rap around the planet 4 times! If we were 1 millimeter long, we would stretch 4,300 miles across the US. For round 3, Undertaker found the hidden coupon: a 15lb slam ball. We invented various forms of passing the ball under a time limit, with a 5 burpee penalty if the ball hit the ground. We finished with a COT, wishing Piston well as he leaves next week for boot camp.


By Yogi on 8/15/2019
Count: 6:

Quick warmup. Then the workout was a partner effort. Each team doing 300 merkins, squats, bigboys while the partner ran to the island and back. Finished with a 3rd F on why me.

Horton hears a alarm clock in August

By Korn, Flash over, High pockets on 8/8/2019
Count: 3:

Blacklung was on Q, although asked Horton to step in. Horton Mia so we had a group Q. The usual work, plus some hill work and a lap around the block to catch the pizza hut delivery guy off guard. Ended in COT lifting the following Nunchuck family during travel Korn family during travel & GF Blacklung moms knee surgery

The block walk

By Chernobyl on 8/1/2019
Count: 7:

After the warm up we did a .75 mile walk with two 30 lbs blocks each . When the blocks hit the ground, we did arm raises with one block . Good arm push brothers!

Tobacco Row

By Horton on 6/27/2019
Count: 13:

I'm gonna take my brothers down tobacco row Gonna sit on the wall where the rednecks throw Yes I went there..... There is a wall at the Wally World where the guys in York (and some of the gals) like to hang their mid used dip cuds for later! Did some stretching. Did some moseying. Did some wall sitting. Numberthang Namethang 3rd F... I talked about being overrated and how Paul told Timothy how it didnt matter how old he was..... he was called to do Gods work for Gods Glory. 1 Timothy 1;1-2 As always it's an honor to lead such great HIMs through the gloom and thanks for the push. HORTON OUT


By Slag on 6/20/2019
Count: 9:

Run to the wall for some sweat and Abe lab

Dirty Harry

By alice on 6/6/2019
Count: 7:

Do you feel lucky punk? Well, do you? Slow warmup followed by the 45... pound weight bar. A PAX took the weight bar and did 45 curls while the other pax did the exercise Dirty Harry called out: SSH, ankle grabbers, V-ups, big boys, mule kicks, LBCs, mosey, etc. When the PAX finished the curls, they ran around the island at the end of the parking lot; upon returning, the 45 was passed on... continue until every PAX had done the 45 curls. And the burpee truck passed through; must have been a new driver because he was so scared of having to join us, he was setting speed records. Switch to overhead press and repeat with 20 reps... Switch to shoulder shrugs for 10 reps... End with a COT: prayer requests for Mr Robotto Cub leader - health; alice in need of a new-to-him suburban, Korn entering the hot zone at work, Yogi's co-worker - life choices. On this, the 75th anniversary of D-Day, remember those who gave all that we might be here today, for me, that is my grandfather's cousin - Charlie Carmichael.

By Slag on 5/30/2019
Count: 8:

The run / ab work out.

Gettin' Froggy With It 🐸

By Black Lung on 5/23/2019
Count: 6:

The gloom was overcast and muggy as we completed a short warmup and then a classic pearls-on-a-string circuit around Walmart, heavy on our frog legs: Wall Sits Wall Jumps Wrist Breakers Ankle Breakers At the end of each lap, we experimented on the cart returns: 1) Bear crawl 10 yards and under the first rail, then climb over the second rail and frog hop 10 yards. Repeat in reverse. 2) Start in plank with head towards the cart return, then climb rails with arms to end in plank at top of rail. Then reverse to ground. Note: pax have to figure out how to position and synchronize to avoid pushing the cart return around! We also reminded ourselves of the 5 core principles of F3: F3 workouts … 1) Are free of charge 2) Are open to all men 3) Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold 4) Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary 5) End with a Circle of Trust Aye!

Lowes inventory

By Yogi on 5/9/2019
Count: 8:


By Yogi on 5/2/2019
Count: 5:

It's my party, I'll be late if I want to!

By Mr Robotto - Birthday Beatdown on 4/25/2019
Count: 11:

Lots of party fun after Alice and Roboto showed up of course. Haha.

By Yogi on 4/18/2019
Count: 8:

Birthday Beatdown

By Chef on 4/4/2019
Count: 11:

Group Q or Mosey Go Round

By Group Q on 3/28/2019
Count: 7:

Since no one had requested the Q, we decided on a group Q, taking turns calling out what comes next. Started with a disclaimer and warm up of cherry picking followed by Moroccan night clubs. Mr Robotto called out the first pain point: merkins. Thereafter, it was generally mosey, then pain: wall sits with a bear crawl to end end, mosey, the burpee truck, mosey, merkins, mosey, balls-to-the-wall, mosey back to the AO. A round of F-F-3 ensued and got the blood pumping. It was so much fun, Mr Robotto opted for another round, but this time, rather than plank position facing out, it was Big Boys facing out. Unfortunately for Mr Robotto, he didn't realize you should tag someone in the down position, not when they are upright... he was immediately tagged back a few times. Switch to an Ab-Lab with scissor kicks, lonely cowboys, Canadian rocking chairs, el cockaroacha, merkins, leg lifts and hands of time. Prayer requests for Undertaker's father (infection) and niece (blood work), and Scuba Steve. Close with the COT and prayer. It's good to be alive and part of the brotherhood!

Pain by Slag

By Slag on 3/14/2019
Count: 11:

Cutter and I started the morning with a 3.2 mile ruck. Then back where I went on to join in the Slag Q. Burpees, Drydocks, and more Burpees for the warmup. Mosey for a while. Then a Balls to the wall Crawl. Mosey for a while. Back to the flag for a 10 minute Leg Lab and a 10 minute Ab Lab. These young guys are bringing the pain and it sure is great to see the Leadership they are bringing with them. Thanks Slag for the Q. HORTON OUT!

Hill Country

By W.A.R - Woodchuck, Alice, Robotto on 3/7/2019
Count: 7:

Started with a warm-up of SSH, cherry pickers and hillbillies before we stormed the hill. At the hill it was Everests - lunge step, squat - up and down the hill 10 times. After the legs were warmed up, back to the open ground for some F... F... Goose... SOMEONE was getting 'handies' running around the circle, using PAX's backsides for a push off. Switch to Alice who brought the PAXs back to the hill for some 11's: Erkins at the bottom, squats at the top. Then, despite Alice claim of 'no running', we mosied to the overhang where we alternated at each post: 5 Erkins at one post, 5 big boys at the next post, down the line... Continued with an ab-lab of bicycles, dieing cockroaches, Hello Dolly's, and 6-inch to pike position. Finally, off to the goose neck trailer for some superman big boys: forward and back. Prayer requests for families, neighbours and general guidance. Good push, brothers!


By Yogi on 2/28/2019
Count: 7:

Anywhere Fitness

By Cesar on 2/21/2019
Count: 7:

What's cooler than Anytime fitness??? Anywhere fitness... I decided I'd bring the curl bar and bricks to the Himship this gloom so we could get our swole on. Workout: Started with a brick mosey around wally world to get the juices flowing. Then we circled up and and started the burn session. We took turns on the curl bar doin 50 curls, 50 tricep extensions, and 50 rows while we each Q'd bricks session till the curl bar killer gets their sets done. Made it through the first set and had just enough time for everyone to get a set of 20's in. Take a ways: Bricks get heavy Curl bar sucks And nothings more intimidating than Chef standing by himself in the middle of the parking lot getting busy with the curl bar. Prayed for my family, Nunchuck and his, and everyone's health during this flu season. Thanks for letting me have the lead and I help you guys felt the burn!! Cesar✌

LUV Triangle

By Horton on 2/14/2019
Count: 7:

ATTENTION, ATTENTION, THIS IS A PSA FROM HORTON............ Wallyworld has flowers on sale ready for pick up in a bag and all! I always wait till the day of to get a Valentine's day gift for the M and Walmart has never let me down. Anyway on the to special day work out that I came up with called the LUV Triangle. L.. lunges each leg U.. underneath pullup from under the cart return V.. Vanhodas... flat on your 6 sit up with legs out. On the up you alternate toe touches. We did these in a 35's type work out counting down by 5's after every round. 3rd F So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV Prayers for the Breakfeilds and Chad Korn's friend. Numberthang Namethang As always I am honored to lead such great HIMs through the gloom and thanks for the push. HORTON OUT

Candy Land!

By Black Lung on 2/7/2019
Count: 11:

On a damp and unusually warm February morning (64F), we began with a brief agility warmup across the Wal-Mart parking lot: high knees, butt kicks, side steps, karaoke, 5 yard sprints from the curb. Then we played Candy Land! Using the ~20 columns of the strip mall, we placed a card from the F3 Workout Deck at each column. After trying a couple rules variations, we decided on the following: Starting at the first column, we completed the exercise on the card, put the card back in the deck and then continued to the next column and card... UNLESS the card was a HEART, for which we rolled a six sided die to skip ahead. If the column was a SPADE, we rolled to skip backwards. If we already completed a column, it was skipped - this kept us on track for time.

The 2.35 mile pre rooster 🐔 run and fun

By Chernobyl on 1/31/2019
Count: 8:

The nice cool morning for a little run and fun . 2.35 mile with some leutenit dan , toy soldiers . Good push for training for the rooster .


By Yogi on 1/17/2019
Count: 8:

The card game

By Catfish on 1/3/2019
Count: 6:

The catfish F3 card game in the rain


By PCH on 12/27/2018
Count: 7:

PCH rolled into York and gave us a good thrashing... You know its a good one when Alice thought he was 19 yr old (Voit)... You should have seen the look on his face when I told him he was 45 Cesar😵

Cat and mouse away

By Yogi No show😞😂 on 12/20/2018
Count: 5:

No Q.... No site Q.... So we did a group Q... Yogi and KoRn shall pay!! Cesar😝

Dirt road

By Cesar on 12/13/2018
Count: 8:

We were feeling frisky so we ran down Devinney dirt road... when we got to the end we turned right and made the whole loop. Good push fellas!! Cesar✌

Adventures in York

By Horton on 12/6/2018
Count: 5:

Man it's so cold out side that I saw a Canadian shiver! Hahahah Started with a stretch and on to it. I decided this gloom that we would run till my foot hurt. Which wasnt very long. We adventures through town behind every building and found some great short cuts along the way. Although we did end up with about 3.1 miles for a total this gloom. When we returned back to the Himship we found Alice and Roboto doing dips and merkins in the parking lot. Numberthang Namethang Thanks for the great 2nd F guys and as always I am honored to lead such great HIMs through the gloom. Horton out!

Living in the moment

By Yogi on 11/29/2018
Count: 9:

Did a 11 warmup. Then partner work on cart return.


By Yogi on 11/22/2018
Count: 12:

Warmup followed by everyone calling 1 exercise and breakfast at bojangles

Under Awning Card Game

By Chef on 11/15/2018
Count: 7:

Started out raining and 36 degrees. Borrowed a message from our brother Chappie to try and get more pax out in this wonderful weather, "Discipline over motivation".(didn't really work) Headed under the awning. Yes under cover but we were still outside. I had promised Alice I would not get them wet so he would post. I was joined by 6 PAX including one FNG and one 2.0. Warmup SSH IW Mosey to end of walkway Merkins LBC Bud Lt burpees Mosey back Irkins Derkins Dips Played a few rounds of F3 Cards.... Finished with educating FNG about F3 principles,.... Welcome "little trees" a Bob Ross saying.... see video P&P COT Thanks for allowing me to lead this great group of HIMs. Chef out


By Woodchuck on 11/8/2018
Count: 9:

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of WW I on November 11th, the PAX were put through a lexicon induced series of tortures; the first letter of each work spells the work SURRENDER. Super 19s - Merkins and Big Boys Up Straddle Hop - SSH on one foot Rosalita - a classic Rockette Hillbillies - Rockette kick after each foot hits the ground Everest - lunge/squat up and down a hill... repeatedly Not-So-Lazy-Boys - on your six, lean back, left, right.. but keep you balance Dancing Bears - Bear crawl position; lift opposite arm/leg, hold, switch, repeat Everest - good enough to do again! Rosalita Wip - 4 count of leg position

We are the great Cornholio!

By Black Lung on 11/1/2018
Count: 5:

Cornhole! It was a beautiful morning, low 50's, no wind and a light fog that made the street lights look like that movie we couldn't remember: Confrontations (Close Encounters?) of the Third Kind. We started with an Indian run, using a cornhole bag as a baton. Increasingly difficult ways of passing the bag were invented, and the penalty for drops was 5 burpees for the whole group. This is also when we saw the HIMSHIP dilly dilly truck and paid it 5 burpees, although we did not receive any Bud light, as usual. The main event was cornhole! Whilst we did various excercises as a group (merkins, squats, LBCs, etc) we took turns tossing the bag. Landing a bag on the board ended the excercise and that skilled PAX picked the next excercise. Landing a bag in the hole was rewarded with a 10-count break. We mixed in some light agility work including creative forms of lunges, high knees and the most jovial of excercises... skipping! Ended with a circle of trust while stretching. In prayer, we remembered Korn's deceased friend Tim and family, Black Lung's mother recovering from knee surgery, and the community's efforts in November to support cancer victims, their families and all the people working to find a cure.

5 weeks 2 days

By Horton on 10/25/2018
Count: 4:

Man It was great to be back out with my brothers of the gloom for the 1st push and 1st Mosey in 5 weeks and 2 days since my surgery. Started out with a good stretch, cherry pickers, and our favorite truck Burpees. Then a short Mosey to the wall for something I named the Russian wall sit. 10 count each leg with a 10 count in the middle. Then a Mosey around the Wally world back to the front lot for 35's. Merkens and LBC'S. We also had a great 2nd F time during. Then we Moseyed back around the Wally world where I had to stop and sit because the foot didnt want to cooperate with the Mosey. My brothers walked with me back to the COT where we ended with a good stretch and The 3rd F. Fairness... How do we view fairness? This is a hard task because we categorize everyone we meet starting with our familys and as men we all think we are deserving of something because we are men! The real task here is laying ourselves out for others around us to show them we are not better than them but we are greater than the situation. The only way to see this ( for me) is to dive in to Gods word. In John 3;30 He gives us 1 sentence that I hope you carry with you on your day to day. He must increase , but I must decrease. This is the only way I found to humble myself enough to treat others fair even though they may not deserve it. Numberthang Namethang Prayers for the Walsh family and the Green family. As always I'm honored to lead such great HIMs through the gloom and thanks for the push. HORTON OUT!

Wounded Bearmuda Triangle

By Horton on 10/4/2018
Count: 5:

Man what's up with the weather. I thought for sure I wouldn't be sweating this much in October. Started out with some good second F and stretching since this was my 1st post in 2 1/2 weeks. Then on to the Thang... 3 cones setup in a Triangle . Moving in a counter clockwise rotation we did 100 Merkins at cone 1, 100 Big Boys at cone 2, 100 LBC'S at cone 3. Bear crawling to each cone while YHC did a wounded Bearcrawl. Round 2 same fashion different style. 100 flutters (each leg Korn) ,100 Hello Dollys, 100 Rosa Litas. 3rd round 25 of each one above till time was up. 3rd F Struggle... with all the things we go through as men it's hard to look up to the one true Sky Q. We always have a tendency to look under or around our creator or just question his plan for the world or for our lives. In Psalms 18 ESV version, starting with the header, His word becomes clear to us on where we are supposed to leave our struggles and Who we are supposed to lean on everyday. To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David, the servant of the Lord, who addressed the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. He said: The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalms 18:2 ESV Just take some time today and lay yourself out before the Lord and ask him to take your struggle for the day away. Just one day at a time. Get up and thank Him 1st thing in the gloom before you set out on your mission for the day. Then just wait and see Him change your life right in front of you. Prayed for Bounty and His M Cesar and his M Filibuster and his M All that have unspoken prayers and The fallen officers in Florence. As always I am so proud to lead such great Hims through the gloom. Horton Out!

Playing (cards) in the rain

By Chef on 9/27/2018
Count: 3:

The chance of rain must have kept everyone home. Except 2, high pockets and Korn. Did a quick little warm up. Moseyed down the sidewalk towards lowes, stopping for irkins,derkins,dips and step up at the low wall. Mosey to Lowe's to test out the New F3 exercise card game. Did a couple rounds while it rained. The cards stood up to the test. They wore us out and held up to the rain, except the box. They even got run over by lowes employee. No damage.... Brisk walk back to Ao. Thanks guys for helping break in the cards and braving the rain. Chef out

Hp over the hill

By High Pockets on 9/13/2018
Count: 3:

Yhc arrived at the AO with Horton sitting on the back of his truck, with all his friends... Yes by himself. Shortly after everyone else arrived and we got started. Disclaimer was disclaimed Warmup 40 arm circles to front ic 40 arm circles to back ic 40 MKC ic 20 imperal walkers ic 20 hillbilly walkers ic 10 merkins oyo Mosey around Walmart then some wall sits with 40 overhead claps. Completed lap around Walmart then back to Ao for 3rd F 3rd F Psalms 121 I look up to the MOUNTIANS— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord , who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. Psalms 121:1‭-‬8 NLT 1 word was highlighted above and it was a hint of what was to come. At this point Yogi shared something disturbing he tried once and didn't like. Had to be there to know the details, but I don't feel safe with him at the 6. Then we moseyed to the mountain(hill by Walmart) for some "over the hill work" Mountain climbers at bottom of hill and lbc at the top. Increase by 5 reps each trip back into 40 climbers and 40 lbc. Inch worm merkins up hill, then mosey back to Ao. With 7 minutes left we circled up for Pax choice. Announcements and prayer concerns Then ended ended in COT. Thanks for the push this morning brothers, HP out.

Mostly abs...

By Yogi on 9/6/2018
Count: 8:

Legs hurt so we worked out core well.

By Chef on 8/30/2018
Count: 6:

If You Ain't Chewin' You Ain't Spewin'

By Red Rider on 8/16/2018
Count: 8:

Being probably the least responsible member of F3 York I had again forgotten I was on Q the following morning until I checked GM after the 2.0's went to bed. I didn't have any real plan except to mosey West on Liberty stopping at various lighted areas for a few exercises. so after the disclaimer we were off. I heard some mumblechatter in the background. Something like, "What... No stretching?" Your time not mine Nancy. We traversed around the old Walmart making a few stops along the way for some cadence exercises lead by me, and headed back. I saw a cat, and someone found a syringe behind the old Walmart. A few more cadence exercises with one group therapy session in front of Yorkville Pharmacy, and back to the AO with seven minutes remaining. An anon splashed merlot there so we put it to a vote to mosey around the new Walmart complex. It was almost unanimous so away we went just in time for COT. William Wallace AKA Brave Toe also made it to the workout, and was recognized as well.

Would you rather...

By Yogi on 8/9/2018
Count: 7:

300,200,100, with time to kill

By Horton on 8/2/2018
Count: 6:

Tried to get to the AO at 430 for a preruck of 3 or more miles but I couldn't find my keys. By the time I dug through my M's trash bag of a pocket book to find the spare set I had missed my set time. Showed up at 445 and made Korn ruck with me for 1.7 miles before we got back to the AO. At that time a quietly running Bounty came up on us. 515 started with no disclaimer given and no warm up. Moseyed to the end of the strip mall where we partnered up for 300 Big Boy's , 200 Squats, and 100 Merkins. (Woodchuck deserves a lot of RESPECT that guy is a beast) while one partner moseyed the length of the strip mall and back, with a few of us stopping in front of the Anytime fern watering hole to do a burpee or 2, the other collectively counted out the reps. While doing this we found out each others strengths and weaknesses. (Mine being Merkins lol) but we still had time to kill so we did a cool down lap around the back of the strip for some Indian Irkins/Durkin run by. Then a short Indian run back to the COT. 3rd F heavy for the time to kill part. YHC talked about how Jonha heard his calling from the Lord himself and instead of listening he fled. I Know I have done this several times in my life and shared how I was turned upside down because of it. Bounty as well. Pray for our brother Stringbean as he is having a liver transplant done this gloom. This will be a long recover if liver even takes at all. Just continue to pray for him as he and his wife are in their early twenties. Numberthang Namethang As always men I'm honored to be surrounded by such great Hims. Horton out

Lime Yogi

By Alice & Woodchuck on 7/26/2018
Count: 5:

This morning, 6 HIMS gathered at HIMShip for a solid beatdown co-Qed by alice and Woodchuck. alice started the session with a gentle warmup: stretches and some SSH's, then turned it over to Woodchuck. Being that we are in York, Woodchuck brought the HIMs to the slight hill behind the shovel-flag and recited the children's song, "The Grand Old Duke Of York." The Grand Old Duke of York, he had 10,000 men He marched them up to the top of the hill and marched them down again When they were up, they were up When they were down, they were down And when they were only half-way up, they were neither up nor down. A variation of 11s was introduced. While at the bottom (down), 1 merkin, run up the hill, 11 squats (up) Run down the hill, 10 BigBoys (down), run up the hill, 11 squats (up) Run down the hill, 2 merkins, run up the hill, 11 squats Run down the hill, 9 BigBoys, run up the hill, 11 squats And so on... As PAX finished, they planked half-way up the hill until all had finished. Special dispensation was given to High Pockets who was actively turkey punching people he saw going to talk to Fern. When complete, a 12 sided exercise die was produced; alice decreed whoever rolled the die had to increase the number of reps by 10. Oddly, the die liked crab walks, x jumps, calf raises, bicycles, rope jump, jump squats, X jumps and water break (pass), but no burpees despite making multiple rounds. Finally, the PAX closed with a COT and a reminder about the leadership meeting Monday night. Present and accounted for were: Mr. Roboto, Korn, Lime Yogi, High Pockets, alice and Woodchuck


By Bounty on 7/12/2018
Count: 7:


By Yogi on 7/5/2018
Count: 5:

Last day of 42 and we did 42 reps of each exercises.

Hungry Hungry Hippo

By Chernobyl on 6/28/2018
Count: 5:

This was a two bucket and 11 🏀 ball race. The loose team had to do burpees. We raced buy sprints, frog jump , carousel, crab walk , bear crawl between the parking lot lines . One of us had to do all the 50 burpees 😂 guess how?

Dont RUN, just Mosey

By Chef on 6/21/2018
Count: 6:

After giving Korn a hard time about running at Trinity, just to show off for the rock hill visitors, I decided to RUN today at Himship. But not everyone took the advertising bait about NOT running cause we only had 5 hims show up. *Started with SSH MNC Said the word of the day 'Mosey' and got some mutter chatter right off the bat... *Moseyed to Auto Zone for some 10ct people's chair *Moseyed to Aaron's, teamed up for some 1,2,3 partner laps... **mentioned that I had been slacking on working out and could feel it. was going to change that and thanked everyone for always being there with support..... Told them this was not a race and to work on their form... Then began..... 100 merkins 200 LBCs 300 squats One him ran a lap while the other did the exercise then switch *Moseyed back towards AO, stopped at guard rail at Taco bell for some dips. Continued to AO. Prayers and announcements. Thank you guys for allowing me to Lead today.... Chef out

Miles and smiles

By Cesar on 6/14/2018
Count: 10:

Nice cool weather this gloom, we had some new faces so what better way to welcome aboard the new guys than with a little running.. We came... We sweat... We prayed... We left... Named two fng's: X Box and Blanks Welcome brothers!!! ✌Cesar

Tidwell returns

By Yogi on 5/31/2018
Count: 7:

While on a field trip I found a kotter and brought him home to the brotherhood. So to welcome back we did 1 bourbon 1 scotch, 1 beer; aka burpee squat box boxcutter and ran to a buggy return and went back and forth till 10. Bearcrawled 2 lines and moseyed back for legs of time and squats of time. Hope I didn't run him off. 😁

Nothing too hard...

By KoRn on 5/24/2018
Count: 6:

A light warm up then we moseyed.. The Thang: We moseyed to the wall where did some wall sits for a couple 10 counts. We then moseyed to the back of Wally World where we started at the truck bay with 10 Merlin’s to Lt. Dans to the next gap where we did 10 more merkins then we rinsed and repeated until we came to the white truck trailer where we finished with 15 merkins. From that point we conducted an Ab Lab where I started with a set 10 count in cadence Hello Dollies/Rosalita’s into a Six Inch hold. We then went around the circle with each pax choosing an ab exercise we then did a quick LtD to the wall and did a stop there. We moseyed to some cindy’s Where we did some swinging arm curls, squats and then Cindy overhead carry in a square vicinity. With 10 minutes left we did a nice slow mosey back to the CoT where we finished up with some cool down exercises then nameorama’d and closed in prayer. Next on to the Mastodon... As The Phoenix Rises So Shall I... Iron Sharpens Iron.. Slay The Day Brothers! 🔥🤘🏻🐺🤘🏻🔥

B-Day Beatdown

By Blacklung on 5/3/2018
Count: 8:

Seeing as how it's my 37th bday, and 37 is prime, we completed a pearls on a string style workout with sets of 37 reps.

Mr Roboto's Birthday

By Cesar on 4/26/2018
Count: 6:

First off let me wish Mr Roboto a happy birthday!! Now all the fun we had today: Today's workout consisted of bricks!!! First thing we did was grab bricks and we did not put them down for the whole workout. We stretched with bricks... We moseyed with bricks.... We did Sun gods with bricks... We did Merkins with bricks... We did dips with bricks... We even posted up in front of anytime fitness and showed them what a real mans work out looks like... With bricks of course!! After 45 mins we were definitely ready to put those bricks back in Korns truck or probably throw them at me... Great workout with some super hims and I'm pretty sure we all felt the burn!! As Yogi would say.. Kill the phoenix and burn the day!! Cesar✌

Merkins & Dragons

By Black lung on 4/19/2018
Count: 7:

Patience in Suffering

By Horton on 4/12/2018
Count: 7:

Keep up the awsome work HIMS. Disclaimer given Read James 5;7-9 to start to get a better idea of Patience and Suffering. Warm up MKC's 16 IC Stretch The fastest Merkindian run ever done down the road to the big hill entrance at Lowes. Took a seat on the wall in a people's chair for a much needed 10 count Then mosey up the hill to the parking lot for the Thang Split into groups for the Patience in Suffering part of the workout. 1st group sprint 2 parking rows then plank waiting on the 2nd group to LTD to them. Then flip flop. 2nd round the same but different with bearcrawls. 3rd round with crab walks 4th round was a suffering round with various versions of bearcrawls down. Right side , left side, and what is now made famous by Mr. ROBOTO the wounded Bear. Then back with various versions of crawlbears. The wounded crawl bear was deffinetly the suffering part! Then back to the COT. But not so fast , not that easy. Merkindian run follow the leader back , snaking through all the parking lots , up hills through the car wash stalls around a few other things and finally making it back to the COT in 10 minutes or so. (Not sure we learned the patience part!) Read James 5;10-12 to finish out Prayed for Lisa some one Blacklung used to know, Woodchucks wife, and Ceasars wife Ashley. Also great praises from High Pockets on how the Great Sky Q has came in to the heart of one of his ball players. Awsome job in a continued effort to work and show these kids the world isn't just about the ball feild High pockets. Nameorama Numberama As always I am honored to lead such get HIM's through the gloom. HORTON OUT

Leap Frog a Deck of Cards

By Chef's 50th B-Day Beatdown! on 4/5/2018
Count: 4:

Neighborhood Runaround

By Cesar the Puppy Pleaser on 3/29/2018
Count: 6:

A little neighborhood pain station & runaround led into the darkness with our Q Cesar the Puppy Pleaser!

Mr. Roboto Freakout

By Yogi on 3/22/2018
Count: 7:

The workout started with Mr. Roboto running in, so the Pax ran around him which left left him confused. We did a quick warm up the mosey to the far end of the Wal-Mart lot. At each cart return we did 10 squats, 10 mercans any style, 5 pull ups, and 10 flutter kicks. Back for COT.

Not FNG friendly...just for today :)

By Yogi on 3/8/2018
Count: 6:

With no FNG's I pulled no punches today. Moseyed to Lowe's parking lot. Started with partners doing 3 50s of merkins, squats, and flutterkicks while partner ran three islands. Next we did 100 of the same. After completion I talked about how Jesus was training leaders. He did come to save us, but his plan included mentoring his 12 disciples to be leaders. Discussed the fear of learning to lead and how F3 has helped me to see that. Next we bear crawled the length of the lot and did 10 burpees. Moseyed to the first cart return at Wal-Mart. We then did 5 burpees at each return and ran between them. After about 15 returns we moseyed back for COT. It was an honor to lead. Yogi out... As Korn would never say but may be thinking... Blah blah Phoenix rises blah blah ladies blah blah.

Just the 2 of US!!

By Chef on 3/1/2018
Count: 2:

It was a beautiful first day of March. Great weather to post. 50ish degrees, the rain had stopped. I had plans to explore the lower side of town and see something besides Wal-Mart parking lot. Soooooo, Korn and myself took off for a strolling mosey, up the one sidewalk and down the other.....3 miles of nice conversation and exercise while checking out NEW workout sites(many options)...... Also, Cudos to those who rejected the fartsack and rain and rucked this morning. CHEF out

Pax's Choice

By Bounty on 2/15/2018
Count: 8:

The day before, the pax were given a choice for the workout: coupons, partner, run, bootcamp. The pax choose coupons, so I brought in some fun things to play with. Disclaimer given, short mosey to the coupons, and the warm up began. Warmup: All exercised x10 IC Overhead Press Side Raise Front Raise Rev. Fly Scarecrows With the shoulders nice and warm, we started the workout. Workout: Jack Webb with bricks up and down the ladder 1-8. Then due to time we shortened version of Blackjack. Instead of adding to 21, we just did up to 10. Starting side we did (1) Overhead Press with Cindy and (9) Upright Rows with Cindy on the far side. All transitions were done with Overhead Carry of Cindy.

Divide and conquer

By Horton on 1/25/2018
Count: 5:

Just a little chilly but not to bad to push the gloom with 4 great HIMS. Warm up Stretch SSH MKC The thang. YHC talked about the divide around us over race or religion, the left or the right, or just a general divide we see all around us in the world. Then we split up. While one group MOSEYED around the strip mall the other group did Amap LBC'S. Next lap was Sqauts. The next lap was MKC'S. Then we came together for a lap. Since Redwood want to go to Bojangles we took a good close MOSEY around the fine establishment of biscuits and Borounds. Once we got back we had some time left so we lined up for the every other parking space work out. We would inchworm Merkin every other one and then BEARCRAWL every other one. It ended up being about 50 yards. Before the COT I read some scriptures from Numbers 12;1-10. Look it up. It's just a start to what God thinks about racism. NAMEORAMA Numberama As always I am honored to lead such great HIMS. HORTON OUT.

Scrum welcome party (take 2)

By High Pockets on 12/21/2017
Count: 7:

Scrum has been away at bootcamp for a few weeks. He fartsacked yesterday so this was a 2nd attempt at his welcome back party. Quick disclaimer and off to the warm up. All IC 15 SSH 15 hillybilly walkers Left over right stretch Right over left stretch 15 imperial walkers SCRUM S SunGods 25 to the side 25 up high 25 out front C Crab walk parking spaces (around 50ft). Then mosey to hill for the "R" R Rampage Starting at top, 9 merkins. Once complete, bear. crawl down the hill/stairs. At bottom, perform 1. squat. Once complete, crawl bear up the hill/stairs to the top. Continue until inverted numbers U Underdog 25 Pullups on cart rack IC M Mosey Around the park of Wal-Mart to find a wall. 20 count wall sit then into the 3rd F 1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: We should see whatever we have been given as an opportunity to serve other Christians. In other words, we should not view anything which is "ours" as off-limits for use in serving others. A steward is one entrusted to manage the property of another. Every good thing we have is ours only by God's grace and intended to be used for His purpose. To fail to use God's gifts to us to serve each other is to fail to be a good steward. Wisely using everything we have to serve each other is part of fulfilling our purpose as God's set-apart people It Dan across the parkinglot. Then mosey back to Ao for some circle of pain exercises, burpees, merkins, v' s, etc. We then had COT where the following were prayed for. Drydock Bounty wife job interview Nunchuck friend health Shoeless Joe knee surgery today at 11:30 High pockets out.

Red light green light

By Yogi on 12/14/2017
Count: 7:

Started with a run warm up. Then ran around Wal-Mart. Did LTD's in cadence. Then slow motion mercans. The red light green light with bear crawls, mercans, dirty dogs, and mountain climbers. A few single leg balance exercises. Then ran back to COT and a round of crazy ab labs. There will have to be some names created. There was great mumble chatter this morning and I was honored to led.

By Cesar on 11/30/2017
Count: 8:

How long is that wall?

By Horton on 11/16/2017
Count: 13:

Man how blesses are we to have such great weather for such a great workout. Warm up 30 variable speed SSH IC Stretch while the others pile in. Had FNG Zoo keeper show up just a little late. Alice, Scuba Steve and Mr. Roboto shortly after. Split in to 2 lines for Indian runs to the end of the Lowe's parking lot. LT Dan's down the hill to the road. People's chair BEAR CRAWL the length of the wall in front of Lowe's. DIPS then MOSEY back COT Numberama NAMEORAMA Then the naming of the FNG. As always I am honored to lead such great HIMS. HORTON OUT

By Nunchuck on 11/2/2017
Count: 13:

Passing of the Flag 🇺🇸

By KoRn on 10/26/2017
Count: 13:

We gathered in the gloom at The Himship. For a passing of a legacy.. The Thang Disclaimer: I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL!! Warm Up 20 SSH Leg stretches 20 Calf Raises 30 MNC Moseyed to the awning in front of papa johns and anytime fitness and we all took a pillar and did a combo of squat wall slaps/irkins/toe kicks (fwd & rvrs)/dips/squats as we went down the line, one by one running down the line and back weaving in and out. We then moseyed together the entire length of the awning area weaving in and out of pillars as we made our way to the wall. Once on the wall, we took a seat in the people's chair and raised our arms overhead for a 10 count then out in front for a ten count. Then we played my wall game called "The Wave" where starting at the end of the line each person raises their arms above their head for a 10 count then remain up until the wave comes back lowering each person's arms on a 10 count. With time running low, we moseyed around Wally World then onto the COT where we circled up for announcements/praises, name o rama then Chef passed the flag onto myself as I take over as Himship site Q, it's a great honor and I will do my very best. We prayed then broke off to start our days.

Himship headache

By Horton on 10/12/2017
Count: 16:

YHC, Started out this morning with a bad headache. One of those headaches that makes you feel like you want to throw up or sit in a dark room till it goes away. Well that was a great reason to forget everything and go Q at the Himship! Started off with a few stretches and low slow MERKENS. (As I did the MERKINS my head pounded even more) So I decided to try to run it out. MOSEYED out of the parking lot down the street to the O'Reilly auto parts for some people's chair bear crawl. Starting on each end the pax BEARCRAWLED to the curb and CRAWLBEARED back to the wall. (Black Lung found a friend crawling on the wall so I took care of that too. I think he was CRUSHED when he saw the guts beside him. Sorry Blacklung) when we finished, we took some time here to pray for a young man that collapsed during a football game in Oakridge the other night. Then we MOSEYED to the tractor supply for some LT DAN MERKENS, 5 count every other pole. We karyokied the glass store front twice. Then LT DAN MERKENS, 10 count every other pole. When finished we partnered up ( head still pounding) I counted out the pax and there was 15. When we got in to groups of 3, I had no place to go ( forgot to count my self hahahaha) so groups of 4 it is. 2 ran the length of the parking lot while 2 stayed and did BIG BOY SIT UPS. flap jack. SQUATS on the next lap, flap jack. MKC'S on the last lap. Before we MOSEYED back I went over a little CONTROL you Enviroment. See while Paul was in prison he controlled his environment and still let everyone know about Jesus. Paul had Faith enough to continue to lead while in a dark hole locked away from the world. This kind of control starts at home, in the word of God with your family. Control your environment at home, lead your family to God and then as a unit you can go out and lead others to HIM as well. (Headache gone) MOSEYED back to the COT. On the way Black Lung spotted the Bud light truck. So 5 quick burpees and back to the COT. Numberama NAMEORAMA Prayers for the ones accepting the Lord this weekend at different churches in our area and for the young man on the ball field one more time! As always thanks men for the push! HORTON OUT

Bearcrawls, Burpees, BigBoys, and Bags

By Bounty on 10/5/2017
Count: 11:

Welcomed everyone to HIMSHIP and gave a brief statement regarding "Control". The pax were advised that can really only control two things in our life: 1. Attitude and 2. Effort. We started out with a quick mosey from the AO to the far side of Walmart, then NURRED up the hill to the Hwy. From there we crossed Hwy 161, lined up on the sidewalk facing out and did MonkeyHumpers x10 IC. After a few laughs and comments we moseyed to the USPS field to start the workout. Pax were advised to partner up and get behind a sandbag. The pax were instructed that Partner 1 would begin with doing Sandbag Tosses (pickup from the ground to the chest and propell forward) from the start to a mid point. Partner 2 started from the far side of the field by doing bearcrawls to the midline. Once they met up at the midpoint, they would switch roles and continue back to the opposite side's starting line. Once at the starting point 10 burpees and 20 bigboys would be performed OYO. Rinse & Repeat until times up. Quick 2min rest conducted mid way thru to discuss "Control" on a more spiritual level. 1Peter 5:7, Phil 4:6-7, and Psalm 46:10. Carried sandbags back to the AO for COT/BOM. Numbers: Sandbag Toss for approx. 40y x 5 (Bags weighed between 32 and 65lbs) Bearcrawl for approx. 40y x 5 Burpees x 50 BigBoys x 100

By Redwood on 9/28/2017
Count: 13:

Modified Murph

By Yogi on 9/21/2017
Count: 13:

This morning was not a modified Jared, sorry but it was a modified Murph. In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is. What we did was 10 pull ups, 20 urkins, and 30 squats, the sprint to the next buggy corral. Repeat for all 18 corral in the main parking lot. Finished with 3 minutes of 6" and supermans. Thanks for letting me lead. This week is my 1 year anniversary in F3. It hasn't changed my life. YOU have changed my life. Thanks to all.

Cake & Cupcakes

By Undertaker on 9/14/2017
Count: 11:

String of Pearl-splosions

By Blacklung on 8/31/2017
Count: 11:

Under a light drizzle, we worked on agility and explosiveness as part of our training for the 2018 NFL scouting combine. Warmup: 10 x merkins with flair 2 x Karaoke 2 x High Knees 2 x Butt Kicks 10 x squat jumps 1 x Bounding Run 1 x Skipping (yes, skipping!) String of Pearl-splosions: Semi-indian run through the columns, while not running: do urkins with flair, squat jumps, and lunge pushes on the column 5 x Burpees for Bud Light Truck! Weave run through the columns Mozy to wall: Balls-to-the-Wall merkins with partner spotting 10 x Bombjacks for something that was said... Mozy behind Walmart Resistance Running with Partner Mozy to Curb 10 x Block sprint starts off the curb Mozy to AO 5 x bombjacks for fun COT: Prayers: Houston, Yogi's mom, Big Mac Praises & Announcements: Korn & Redwood Chili Cookoff, Nunchuck & Chef Sunday School

Crawl to 140

By Horton on 8/24/2017
Count: 13:

What great weather we had at the Himship this gloom. I started with a Quick no disclaimer needed and then we MOSEYED to the wall beside Wal-Mart. Couple of stretches an in comes Undertaker running just a little behind. Then on the wall for a PEOPLE'S CHAIR BEARCRAWL. Then a quick 10 COUNT. We went on a little gloom stroll that I like to call the MEKINDAIN RUN. Once all Pax were through we had made our way around the back of the store to the front lot for some 35's. Started at the curb with 35 SQUATS, then ran 2 parking lanes over for 35 LBC'S. We counted down by 5's each time for a total of 140 of each. Then on to the cart returns for a partnered up good time. 150 PULL UPS AND 150 IRKINS. One Pax starts the count while the other runs around the island and back. Then the other Pax takes over in a flapjack kinda style. Once we were finished we still had some time so we finished it out with a 2 wall PEOPLE'S CHAIR BEARCRAWL. Then MOSEY back to the COT for a hopefull word on Discipline straight from 1st Timothy 4. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. NUMBERAMA, NAMEORAMA. we also prayed for Nunchucks former Boss man Dale. As always it was an honor to lead such great HIMS through the gloom. Thanks again for the push HIMS! HORTON OUT

By Korn on 8/17/2017
Count: 13:

By Chernobyl on 8/10/2017
Count: 7:

By Cutter on 8/3/2017
Count: 7:

We got spaghetti legs for breakfast

By Scrum on 7/27/2017
Count: 12:

2nd attempt at no running

By High Pockets on 7/20/2017
Count: 9:

It was a 70 degree, 95% humidity in the gloom for this workout in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Choo Choo has been asking for another workout in York that didn't require running. So being the HIMS we are, we stepped up. Warm up - left over right - right over left - 15 I.c. imperial walkers - 15 I.c. SSH - 15 I.c. Monkey Jumpers The thang Each of the following done for 2 minutes - MKC - SSH - Merkin - lbc - low slow squat - calf raises Music time Song Yeah Joe Nichols Plank position entire song.1 rotation to elbow plank for each keyword (yeah) Song Thunderstruck Ac/dc 1 burpee for every keyword (thunder) Song bring Sally up Plank position, and follow the song. Keywords (up and down) "Down" hold Merkin down position, "up" plank. Song say John mayer Crab position entire song. Keyword (say). For every "say perform one crab cake. 3rd F was on freedom. I left the paperwork at home and I'll have to edit this later. Announcements Gs tonight, Coal train tomorrow morning 5am, CAH Friday night at 7pm. Ended in Cot.

No run to run alot??

By Turbine on 7/13/2017
Count: 7: