
HIMSHIP 11/16/2017

How long is that wall?

Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (13) Korn, Woodchuck, Cutter, Chernobyl, Chef, Scuba Steve, Mr Roboto, Alice, High Pockets, Drifter, Rasta, Scrum, (FNG) Zoo Keeper

Man how blesses are we to have such great weather for such a great workout. Warm up 30 variable speed SSH IC Stretch while the others pile in. Had FNG Zoo keeper show up just a little late. Alice, Scuba Steve and Mr. Roboto shortly after. Split in to 2 lines for Indian runs to the end of the Lowe's parking lot. LT Dan's down the hill to the road. People's chair BEAR CRAWL the length of the wall in front of Lowe's. DIPS then MOSEY back COT Numberama NAMEORAMA Then the naming of the FNG. As always I am honored to lead such great HIMS. HORTON OUT

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