
HIMSHIP 8/2/2018

300,200,100, with time to kill

Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (6) Bounty, Woodchuck, Yogi, Chef, Korn,

Tried to get to the AO at 430 for a preruck of 3 or more miles but I couldn't find my keys. By the time I dug through my M's trash bag of a pocket book to find the spare set I had missed my set time. Showed up at 445 and made Korn ruck with me for 1.7 miles before we got back to the AO. At that time a quietly running Bounty came up on us. 515 started with no disclaimer given and no warm up. Moseyed to the end of the strip mall where we partnered up for 300 Big Boy's , 200 Squats, and 100 Merkins. (Woodchuck deserves a lot of RESPECT that guy is a beast) while one partner moseyed the length of the strip mall and back, with a few of us stopping in front of the Anytime fern watering hole to do a burpee or 2, the other collectively counted out the reps. While doing this we found out each others strengths and weaknesses. (Mine being Merkins lol) but we still had time to kill so we did a cool down lap around the back of the strip for some Indian Irkins/Durkin run by. Then a short Indian run back to the COT. 3rd F heavy for the time to kill part. YHC talked about how Jonha heard his calling from the Lord himself and instead of listening he fled. I Know I have done this several times in my life and shared how I was turned upside down because of it. Bounty as well. Pray for our brother Stringbean as he is having a liver transplant done this gloom. This will be a long recover if liver even takes at all. Just continue to pray for him as he and his wife are in their early twenties. Numberthang Namethang As always men I'm honored to be surrounded by such great Hims. Horton out

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