
HIMSHIP 10/25/2018

5 weeks 2 days

Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (4) Undertaker, High Pockets, Chef,

Man It was great to be back out with my brothers of the gloom for the 1st push and 1st Mosey in 5 weeks and 2 days since my surgery. Started out with a good stretch, cherry pickers, and our favorite truck Burpees. Then a short Mosey to the wall for something I named the Russian wall sit. 10 count each leg with a 10 count in the middle. Then a Mosey around the Wally world back to the front lot for 35's. Merkens and LBC'S. We also had a great 2nd F time during. Then we Moseyed back around the Wally world where I had to stop and sit because the foot didnt want to cooperate with the Mosey. My brothers walked with me back to the COT where we ended with a good stretch and The 3rd F. Fairness... How do we view fairness? This is a hard task because we categorize everyone we meet starting with our familys and as men we all think we are deserving of something because we are men! The real task here is laying ourselves out for others around us to show them we are not better than them but we are greater than the situation. The only way to see this ( for me) is to dive in to Gods word. In John 3;30 He gives us 1 sentence that I hope you carry with you on your day to day. He must increase , but I must decrease. This is the only way I found to humble myself enough to treat others fair even though they may not deserve it. Numberthang Namethang Prayers for the Walsh family and the Green family. As always I'm honored to lead such great HIMs through the gloom and thanks for the push. HORTON OUT!

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