
HIMSHIP 2/20/2020

Random Relay Ruckus

Q: Qbert
Name-o-rama: (6) Rasta, Cesar, High Pockets, Woodchuck, BlackLung, Qbert

I did actually find the AO on my first time there. Driving through there gave me flashbacks of the first mastodon. York mumblechatter is definitely why I keep coming back. There's this guy Yogi that I hear is paying for everyone's breakfast soon! Anyways, started with a few quick sprints and a 10 minute warmup including imperial walker, CDD, merkins, Freddie Mercury, LBCs, windmill and burpees. The relay made sense in my head and actually worked in reality too. Set up weights spread out across the parking lot in a straight line (one less than the number of PAX) and give everyone an assigned spot and exercise. Then one pax starts lunge walking to the next in line and takes over the exercise, essentially passing the baton of lunge walking. The person at the end of the line runs back to the beginning. We had two dumbbells for curls, a Cindy for overhead press, a larger dumbbell for triceps, and a slamball for squats. We rotated everyone through twice. Then we relayed one more time with everyone doing regular squats while the "baton" was bear crawls to the next person. Jack webbs (ratio of 1 Merkin to 4 overhead claps all the way up to 10 merkins) we sped through this one so the reward was 5 burpees Long mosey around the entire parking lot Ab lab for the last few minutes CoT My church is having a BBQ benefit to support my family's adoption process. This humbling experience has put me dependent on so many people and God to provide what we need for this expensive process. It's exhausting to continually come up with new ideas, hand painting 700 ornaments, making wedding gifts, 600 baked goods, 300 bbq plates and calling 20 different businesses for the materials and food needed for that, everything has been from other people. People that forever will be a part of my family's story and the story of our new child whenever that may be. Woodchuck has 2 weeks of lots of travel coming up soon for work and family. Be safe!! Continue to keep the other PAX in mind and accountable. Be better husbands and fathers and don't let F3 get in the way of your duties but don't get cabin fever either and let the Jester win over your heart and mind.

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