
HIMSHIP 12/10/2020

Poker Run

Q: Woodchuck
Name-o-rama: (4) Chernobyl, High Pockets, Yogi, Woodchuck

Four HIM's basked in the early morning glow at HIMShip. After a warm up of cherry pickers and sun gods, interrupted by the burpee truck, they ambled over to the overhang where poker started. Rules are simple: dealer chooses the exercise, ante is 5 reps, 5 cards dealt, one draw if wanted - 5 reps per card drawn, bets are increments of 5 reps. If a player folds or loses, they do the reps they bet. The winner only has to do the ante and cards drawn reps. The deal rotates clockwise. After each round, all but the next dealer run to the end of the overhang and back. The play was fast and furious, the biggest bet was 50 flutter kicks per leg; 2 HIMs paid that price. A 3rd F message was inserted about showing ALL people dignity, a lesson we can all apply. Prayer requests for aging bodies, headaches, missing HIMs and continued perseverance. If you missed us, we missed you, too - come back to the gloom.

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