
HIMSHIP 12/31/2020

The 700 Club

Q: Catfish
Name-o-rama: (8) Yogi, Black Lung, Woodchuck, High Pockets, Caesar, Pepperoni, Pac Man, Catfish

In typical fashion, the rain held off for this wonderful morning in the York region and it was a glorious start to the last day of the year! 7 PAX joined #YHC for a short COP to warm up and then we took a mosey around the parking lot, stopping 10 times to get 10 reps each of 7 exercises, thus becoming members of "The 700 club". The Thang: 10 sets of 10 reps each of the following 7 Exercises: - Hand Release Merkins - Low Slow Squats - Carolina Dry Docks, IC - Dips - Moroccan Night Clubs, IC - Big Boy Sit Ups - Flutter Kicks, IC Besides Caeser showing up late and YHC missing the PAX correctly guessing the show that inspired the winkie the morning went off without a hitch as work was done and fellowship enjoyed! And lemme tell ya - if you need music for your Q this is your AO because WalMart has ya covered! As always, it was an honor to Q! #SYITG, 'Fish

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