
HIMSHIP 2/18/2021

Are they listening?

Q: HighPockets
Name-o-rama: (4) Yogi, WoodChuck, BlackLung, YHC

Has it happened to you? You are thinking about a purchase, then all of a sudden you get google, facebook and other platform suggestions on the very item you were thinking about purchasing. BlackLung has once again proven why he's hands down the right person for COMS. He's developed a program that does the same for York F3. I was thinking about requesting Q, then a couple days later I'm told I'm on Q! We started out under the awning stretch. Warmup 25 SSH OYO stretches The thing At each Pillar increase exercise rep by 1, up to 10, Lt Dan to get to next post Merkins Big Boys Squats 3rd F Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. —Galatians 6:9 We talked about how this verse piggy back off the word Larry Brid shared at his VQ last Saturday. Corona truck drove by so we knocked out our 20 Dying cockroaches. Then we did suicides to each Pillar to finish out the workout. Announcements: Trash pickup will be delayed due to weather Nameorama The wind seemed to pickup as we did the nameorama. That or it was a normal day in yogi's life with his clothing fanning behind him. COT Lifted up Cesar and family Lifted up WoodChuck family dealing with cancer

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