Ruck and Run 1/27/2019
Going cold
Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (8) Chernobyl, Rasta, Mountie, Cutter, Cesar, Ironman (FNG) , and our camera shy friend that Chernobyl picked up that Cesar and I named unofficially Iceman (FNG),
Great day for a Ruck or Run. 27 degrees at the start. 0600 Cesar, Cutter and I stepped off for the 1st leg at 2.7 miles and then back to the AO. 2nd leg and the AO start time 0700 Cutter and I rucked another 3.4 miles as the rest of the group got in 5.5 miles running. Our 2 FNG's are beasts on the run. Praises... God has been working at Grace Chapel Church for 2 years now and what an impact He has made through them. Prayers .... the Brakefeild family Cesar's family and for all of us HIMs to push through the day. 3rd F Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16 ESV As always I am honored to be surrounded by such great HIMS. Horton out
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