
Trinity 2/13/2018

809 Preview

Q: Bounty
Name-o-rama: (10) Cutter, Horton, Rasta, Orvis, Chernobyl, Chef, Cesar, Korn, Woodchuck(R/ WD), Bounty(QIC)

Today started with a 4 mile pre-ruck for those participating in the P200 ruck (unofficially). 4 miles with 30lbs in exactly 1hr (15 min mile pace). We then met the rest of the pax at the AO to begin todays tribute workout Trial1. Normally a quick disclaimer is given, but CSPAN made the request to actually deliver all "elements" of the F3 disclaimer. 1. I am not a professional 2. All exercises are suggested exercises 3. Modify as needed to include skipping in order to prevent injury 4. After hearing the verbal disclaimer, if the pax decided to continue with the workout, that they assume all liability in the case of an injury Everyone accepted the disclaimer, so away we went. We moseyed over to the CoalYard field and the pax were advised that we would we trying out a new "Hero" workout in memory of Deputy Mike Doty. Mike Doty was a York County Deputy that made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty a short time ago. It was in his memory that we dedicated this workout in his honor so that all would know that he may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. Mike's badge number was 809 so naturally we named the workout the "809". As you can probably guess there was 809 total reps. 809 Workout: 25 burpees 203 merkins 25 burpees 303 flutterkicks (single count) 25 burpees 203 squats 25 burpees To complete the workout there are several options to finish it out due to time and location: 809m run, 809m bearcrawl, or whatever the "Q" deems worthy for this workout. We were running a little low on time at a 45min workout, so we did the 809m run (roughly .5miles). For a one hour guessed it...if I'm on "Q" we are bearcrawling. After the run we circled up for COT/BOM with prayers going out to Drydock, my daughter, the nation, Woodchuck's and Cesar's personal requests, and to be the men that we were put here to be.

Requests: 0

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