
Trinity 9/18/2018

Deck of Death and Ring of Fire

Q: QBert
Name-o-rama: (9) Burr, QBert, Korn, Cesar, Yogi, Chef, Bounty, Black Lung, Gridlock

Always an interesting day to go visit the York crew. Disclaimer right at 5:15 (by my watch anyways) and did some quick warm up with squats, windmill, and Up Straddle Hop! Pulled out the phase 10 deck (with 1s,2s, and 3s removed) and everybody picked a card and we did that number of reps for the colored exercise The colors changed at the beginning but we ended up with Blue Lunges Yellow Merkins Red Squats Green Carolina Dry Docks We started doing them IC so all the reps were doubled The best part was when the 12, 11, and 10 yellows were pulled back to back!!!!! Changed to single count after every one had gone twice, we continued for two more rounds through 9 PAX for a total of A bunch of squats Lots of Lunges Not too many CDD and WAY TOO MANY MERKINS Also Skip was lay down for 60 seconds and Wild was 10 Burpees which would increase by 5 every time but we only drew one Wild card Next we circled up for my own twist on Ring of Fire. Group squats into Al Gore while 1 PAX at a time bear crawls around the group. We barely scrapped through round 1. Which means round 2 was great!!! Group plank while 1 PAX at a time crab walks around the group, switched this to a flutter kick hold halfway through Had 6 minutes to kill so we moseyed to the grass next to Coal Yard for a quick sprint and a NUR then back to CoT for my standard 5 burpess to finish off Annoucements/Prayers Bounty is doing a Spartan Ultra so watch out for him sweating somewhere in York at all hours of the day Yogi's wife's grandmother passed away Please pray for Ms in the group, lots of injuries. Woodchuck and Cesar, specifically are the names I heard who are caring for their wives currently. My family safely made it out of WIlmington yesterday, its SUPER difficult to get west of I-95, so let me know if you need to know the route Korn had a friend who suffered a seizure recently and is getting treated for that, I believe he said they found a tumor as a result of the seizure checkup

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