
Trinity 10/9/2018

Seek higher ground, another storms coming

Q: High Pockets
Name-o-rama: (8) Korn, Alice, Chef, Bounty, Burr, Woodchuck, Cesar, Yhc

It was a 70 degree 95% humidity gloom and I found myself standing in Trinity parking lot with some of Yorks finest. Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off to the warm up Leg stretch left, right, center 15 ssh ic 35 mkc ic 15 imperial walkers ic 15 hillbilly walkers ic Mosey to the metal stairs behind Trinity 1 him runs up the fight stairs and does 5 bomb Jack's at top.( X2) This HIM calls out a exercise everyone else must do as he knocks out his 2 trips. Merkins, lbc, bomb Jack's, squats, big boys, were a few of what was called out Mosey to the wall by the voting building for 15 dips then onto the courthouse. Pledge of alegiance to the flag, followed by a city police car screaming by with his lights on. I think the city may have a sensor that alarms them when bounty gets to close to the court house tree? Partner up Bear crawl up stairs and come back down while partner is doing exercise total of 100 merkins 200 lbc 300 squats 2nd round Box jump up stairs partner total 200 calf raises 200 lbc Mosey back to ao 3rd F Fairness Life is not always fair. Ecclesiastes 9:11, TLB. "Again I looked throughout the earth and saw that the swiftest person does not always win the race, nor the strongest man the battle, and that wise men are often poor, and skillful men are not necessarily famous." I reminded PAX to be thankful we live in an unfair world. Because was it fair to Jesus he died for our sin? Announcements bounty mentioned a Charlotte convergence going on in January Name o roma Closed in COT Hp out

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