
Trinity 4/6/2021


Q: Horton
Name-o-rama: (4) High pockets, Ceasars, Blacklung, Horton

Man we are all upset that one of Jesus' 12 would sell him out. But 3 days before He was hung on a cross Judas set him up for the execution. We all say how could he do that. After all he saw Him do he sold him out. Here's the thing Jesus knew before it ever happened. Q... How different are we from Judas? Not much, we sell Him out everyday for what we want. A..... Carry that with you and ask yourself every time something is presented to you.... Am I selling Him out? Stay humble my friends and as always I'm honored to lead such great HIMS through the gloom! Horton out!

Requests: 1

Horton on 3/23/2021 at 11:59 AM

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